
Werner Georg Haverbeck


Werner Georg Haverbeck
wrote a book about steiner and become a member of the Christian community

His wife is Ursula Haverbeck better known as the old granny who has denied the holocaust

For years, Ursula Haverbeck denied the existence of gas chambers in Auschwitz concentration camp. She was also chairwoman of the far-right, banned association “Collegium Humanum”.

The association worked on the topic of Rudolf Steiner’s biodynamic agriculture, the Anthroposophical Christian Community and Anthroposophy. Ursula Haverbeck had reported the Central Council of Jews for false statements. She was sentenced to 10 months in prison in 2015.

The “Collegium Humanum” was founded by her husband, the former National Socialist and anthroposophist Werner Gerorg Haverbeck. A prominent member was the former Holocaust denier and Waldorf teacher (Steiner school teacher) Bernhard Schaub. Bernhard Schaub was a politician in the far-right party NPD and later tried to start his own Waldorf school.

Shock therapy for Waldorf kids

“If you walk past a group of lethargic pupils, you can hit with a bunch of keys on the table, allowing you to produce a shock.

We must combat this irregular interconnectedness of the etheric body with the physical body by acting on the unconscious.

You will always have to find another way to shock them and evoke what they do not like to do. “ (Rudolf Steiner)

Source: Rudolf Steiner – ”Lectures on education. Lectures and courses, held for the teachers of the Waldorf School in Stuttgart”, complete works volume 295 (GA295, page 25)

Steiner-Schulen? Auf keinen Fall!

“X.: Ich finde, wie die Dinge liegen, den Namen Waldorfschulverein nicht mehr richtig. Man sollte einen „Verein zur Gründung von Rudolf Steiner-Schulen" haben.

Dr. Steiner: Das darf auf keinen Fall sein.

X. (spricht weiter): Ich will damit kundtun, daß es sich um ganz bestimmte Schulen handelt. Den bisherigen Namen halte ich für schädlich.

Dr. Steiner: Ein großer Teil der Gegnerschaft beruht auf der einseitigen Betonung des Namens. Sie werden sehen, daß es noch in viel ausgesprochenerem Maße herauskommt. Ich weiß zu erzählen, wie Aufsätze, die ich daund dort anonym habe erscheinen lassen, angenommen wurden, und wie die Sache sofort umgekehrt worden ist, als der Name daraufkam. Man kann eine andere Firma haben. Der Sache wird nicht genützt durch persönliche Namengebung.“ (Rudolf Steiner)

Quelle: Rudolf Steiner – “Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart” (GA300a, Seite 185) zur Namensgebung von Waldorfschulen, die im Ausland fast immer “Steiner-Schulen” heißen.

Kidneys from Jupiter

“In reference of what is evolving in the mothers body, people are so stupid as to say: That is caused by fertilization.

When my lung is built, the head received the power to build the lungs from outer space. Specially when the kidneys are built, man received powers from outer space, from Jupiter for example.

Well, these are not fantastic ideas.” (Rudolf Steiner)

Source: Rudolf Steiner, “On health and illness", Second lecture in Dornach, 24. Oktober 1922, GA348, page 53

The necessity of beatings

“X.: How far does one go when punishing the children?

Dr. Steiner: That is of course dependend on the case. Best would be, of course, if you had to punish as little as possible. But it can be the case that it is necessary to give a little beating.”

Source: Rudolf Steiner, “Conferences with teachers of the free Waldorf Schools”. Gesamtausgabe, GA300a, page 83

Tiny men, created by celestial bodies

“We are made of numerous tiny men. Our big human is just a centralization of plenty of small men.

The next thing i will show you is, that inside of the eye there also is a tiny man. The nose also is a tiny man. And these tiny men are held together by the nervous system and form the complete man.

And all those tiny humans are created while man is still in a seminal state in the mothers body, by the influence of the celestial bodies.” (Rudolf Steiner)

Source: Rudolf Steiner, GA348

Animals descend from man

“In the animals we recognise our degenerated offspring” (Rudolf Steiner)

Source: Rudolf Steiner, “Welt, Erde, Mensch”, Lectures 1908, GA105, page 113. Also: Rudolf Steiner, “Die Erkenntnis der Seele und des Geistes”, Lectures 1907/1908, GA 56

Drawing: The evolution of man (Invertebrate animals, fish/birds, reptiles, lower mamals, higher mamals, apes, red indians, aryans). Sketch by Rudolf Steiner, Juni 1907, “Menschheitsentwicklung und Christus-Erkenntnis”, GA100, page 247.

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