
Bored mothers and horseshoeheads

“There are children that are born with horseshoeheads, Hydrozephaly. 

You can in most cases revert this to the fact, that the mother was terribly bored in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Because boredom drains the head, the empty head also drains the abdomen. The abdomen does not develop tautly enough. The head will swell, become a horseshoehead.” (Rudolf Steiner)

Source: Rudolf Steiner, GA348, page 182

Mercury as a cure

“Mercury is one of the cures, that in times, where you had instinctive medicine, was an accepted medicament. But what does the healing, when you have to recieve a mercuy treatment because of syphilis?

It exactly heals as much, as is inserted into the blood in the proper dosis.  Exactly that much does the healing.” (Rudolf Steiner)

Source: Rudolf Steiner, Physiologisch-Therapeutisches auf Grundlage der Geisteswissenschaft – Zur Therapie und Hygiene”, GA314, page 167

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