
Tiny men, created by celestial bodies

“We are made of numerous tiny men. Our big human is just a centralization of plenty of small men.

The next thing i will show you is, that inside of the eye there also is a tiny man. The nose also is a tiny man. And these tiny men are held together by the nervous system and form the complete man.

And all those tiny humans are created while man is still in a seminal state in the mothers body, by the influence of the celestial bodies.” (Rudolf Steiner)

Source: Rudolf Steiner, GA348

Demons in human shape

“One really doesnt like to talk about these things, since we are already being treated hostile a lot. Imagine what people would say when they hear that there are humans, that are not human. But these are facts.

We wouldnt have this decadence of culture, if there was a strong sentiment for the fact that you have people walking around, that are becoming something that is not humans, but demons in human shape.

But we dont want to trumpet this. The enmity is already big enough.”(Rudolf Steiner)

Source: Rudolf Steiner, Gesamtausgabe – Ergänzungen zu den pädagogischen Grundkursen, GA300c

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