
Intellectual dung

“We take the fertilizer, just as we can get it, and cram a cow horn with it, and bury the cow horn at depth of about half a meter, in the ground.

Thus we preserve within the cow horn the forces that the cow horn had been accustomed to exercise in the cow itself.
So it retroreflects that which is Invigorating and astral. Because the cow horn is externally surrounded by the earth, it radiates all the rays into its internal cavity, which manifest in the sense of etherization and astralization.

If you now let the ordinary manuring to connect to, I want to say, this “intellectual dung”, then you will get to see what kind of fertility may emerge out of these things.“ (Rudolf Steiner)

 Source: Rudolf Steiner on Bio-dynamics in ”Spiritual Foundations for prosperity of agriculture. Agricultural Course “, complete works volume 327 (GA327, page 100)

Science equals Jesus squared

“The fact is that two Jesus children were born, not one.

One died in his twelfth year, and the other one was woken suddenly by this shocking event, and has had the wisdom of the other child.

I did not come up with that. I found this as a result of my research. And that’s why I’m talking about the two Jesus children, just from a certain science that others do not have. “ (Rudolf Steiner)

Source: Rudolf Steiner – ”On the life of man and the earth. About the essence of Christianity“, complete works volume 349 (GA349, page 211)

All countries swim in the sea

“All countries swim in the sea. Can you imagine that? It is not true that countries go down to the bottom, but the country, all countries, swim in the sea. Beneath the countries there is also the sea.

England was once down there under the sea. One would, when one crossed this piece of the sea, of course, hit the ground. So the thing is that there have been times when England was under the sea.

Why is such an island that actually floats in water, not going back and forth like a ship? Well, the earth is not the reason. The reason is the constellation. “ (Rudolf Steiner)

Source: Rudolf Steiner – ”On the life of man and the earth. About the essence of Christianity“, complete works volume 349 (GA349, page 204).


one who can approach these things clairvoyantly knows that there are entities on the scene of the moon, in a certain respect
humanlike beings, only that they are dwarves, for they hardly
reach the level a six or seven year old child. On the moon, the physical conditions are very different; the
atmosphere is, for example, a very different one, and the consequence is
that these beings, when they speak,
acquire the ability of tremendous roaring, the give enormous, terrible sounds. These dwarfish beings can be present within our world as astral beings.

Especially near asylums you find such entities, astral beings with special predilection. “(Rudolf Steiner)

Quelle: Rudolf Steiner – “Das Hereinwirken geistiger Wesenheiten in den Menschen“ (GA102, S.15f)

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