“So the child was dead. The outer, materialistic view could say: Well, by accident the moving van tilted over at this hour, the child got underneath it and got squashed. From a spiritual view, this is utter nonsense.
Because what we have got here is the childs karma, and the childs karma guided every single circumstance. It also guided the moving van just in the hour, in which the child needed its death; because the childs karma wanted it this way.”(Rudolf Steiner)
Source: Rudolf Steiner, “Vorträge vor Mitgliedern der Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft”, GA159, page 42. More at: Steinerquotes.tumblr.com
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Demons in human shape
“One really doesnt like to talk about these things, since we are already being treated hostile a lot. Imagine what people would say when they hear that there are humans, that are not human. But these are facts.
We wouldnt have this decadence of culture, if there was a strong sentiment for the fact that you have people walking around, that are becoming something that is not humans, but demons in human shape.
But we dont want to trumpet this. The enmity is already big enough.”(Rudolf Steiner)
Source: Rudolf Steiner, Gesamtausgabe – Ergänzungen zu den pädagogischen Grundkursen, GA300c
The four planets that are earth
“You can not envision those four planets, Saturn, Sun, Moon, Earth, as four seperate planets; that would be totally wrong.
Those are four states of apparition of one and the same planet. They are real metamorphosises of the one planet.” (Rudolf Steiner)
Source: Rudolf Steiner, “Die Evolution der Erde”, GA095, S. 85
Sun, moon and earth were one body
“When earth rose out of the darkness of its Pralaya state, it did not appear alone, but combined with the sun and todays moon.
Sun, moon and earth were one giant body. That was the initial state of our planet.” (Rudolf Steiner)
Source: Rudolf Steiner, “Das Anfangsstadium unseres Planeten.”, zehnter Vortrag, August 1906, GA095
Judaism should stop to exist
“And so the greatest catastrophe in this twentieth century occured because of what the jews also wanted.
So you can say: All that the jews did, could be consciously done by all men, for example. So the jews could not achieve anything better but to disintegrate into the rest of the humanity, mix with the rest of the humanity, so that Judaism as a nation would stop to exist.
That is, what would be the ideal.” (Rudolf Steiner)
Source: Rudolf Steiner, “Vorträge für die Mitarbeiter am Goetheanumbau”, GA353
This is why the negro is black
“But the people, who underdeveloped their »I«-being [their »ego«], who were exposed too much to the effects of the sun, they were like plants: they deposited under their skin too many carbon-like elements and became black. This is why the negro is black.” (Rudolf Steiner)
Source: Rudolf Steiner, “Geisteswissenschaftliche Menschenkunde”, (GA107), page 7
The sexual organs will be falling off
“There are two types of organs in the human body, those, that are becoming imperfect, and are dropping away bit by bit, and those, which are evolving.
All lower organs, the sexual organs, will be falling off.” (Rudolf Steiner)
Source: Rudolf Steiner, “Vorträge vor Mitgliedern der Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft” (GA98), 1907-1908, page 23
Eating potatoes harms the brain
“So that it is a fact, that with the habit of eating potatoes, the people in Europe neglected their heads, their brains. You only start seeing this correlation when you practice the arts.
Since this potatoe food has gone out of control, the heads of those people became more and more unable.” (Rudolf Steiner)
Source: Rudolf Steiner, “Vorträge für die Arbeiter am Goetheanumbau”, GA350, S.210
Atlantis and the Martians
“In old Atlantis, you had humans, whose bodys were occupied by souls, that had formerly been on Mars, Jupiter, Venus and so on.
Martians, Jupiterians and so on they were called. Also the outer shapes of bodies were different from each other.
In the first half of Atlantis the human body was of much softer mass, it gave in to the power of the soul.” (Rudolf Steiner)
Source: Rudolf Steiner, “Vorträge vor Mitgliedern der Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft”, GA109, page 238
Children that dont belong to the human race
“That girl L. K. in first grade, there must be some bad kind of entanglement deep inside. There wont be much to do about it.
These are cases that are more and more common, where children are born and forms of human beings exist, that are not human, but filled with entities that do not belong to the human race.
Since the nineties, you have a big load of egoless humans, where you dont have a reincarnation, but where the human shape is filled with some kind of natural demon.
You can not establish a school for demons.” (Rudolf Steiner)
Source: Rudolf Steiner, founder of the Waldorf School (Steiner Schools), Gesamtausgabe – Ergänzungen zu den pädagogischen Grundkursen, GA300c