
Kidneys from Jupiter

“In reference of what is evolving in the mothers body, people are so stupid as to say: That is caused by fertilization.

When my lung is built, the head received the power to build the lungs from outer space. Specially when the kidneys are built, man received powers from outer space, from Jupiter for example.

Well, these are not fantastic ideas.” (Rudolf Steiner)

Source: Rudolf Steiner, “On health and illness", Second lecture in Dornach, 24. Oktober 1922, GA348, page 53

The expectant mother and the hanged man

“Of course, when a pregnant woman, say, takes a walk in the woods and finds someone that hanged himself in a tree and is already dead – if he is still twitching its even worse – she will be terribly startled.

She will probably give birth to a child that is pale, has a pointed chin, has meager extremities and is hardly able to move.” (Rudolf Steiner)

Source: Rudolf Steiner, “On health and illness”, GA348

Bored mothers and horseshoeheads

“There are children that are born with horseshoeheads, Hydrozephaly. 

You can in most cases revert this to the fact, that the mother was terribly bored in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Because boredom drains the head, the empty head also drains the abdomen. The abdomen does not develop tautly enough. The head will swell, become a horseshoehead.” (Rudolf Steiner)

Source: Rudolf Steiner, GA348, page 182

Crooked noses

“When for example the mother has never seen a person with an noticeable crooked nose, and she is meeting someone like that in the first months of pregnancy, her child will in most cases get a crooked nose, too.” (Rudolf Steiner)

Quelle: Rudolf Steiner, Tenth Lecture, December 30, 1922, GA348, page 189.

Pregnant women should not read negro novels

“Yes, i for myself am convinced, that if we receive another number of negro novels, and pass them to be read by pregnant women, you dont have to see to it that negroes come to europe, that mulattoes are generated;

just by reading negro novels a whole number of mulatto children is created in europe, who are all gray, have mulatto hair, that will look all mulatto-like.” (Rudolf Steiner)

Source: Rudolf Steiner in ”Vorträge für die Arbeiter am Goetheanumbau”, tenth lecture in Dornach, December 30, 1922, GA 348, page 189.

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